Monocurl takes inspiration from a variety of existing sources. First and foremost, Monocurl follows very closely from the works of Manim by 3Blue1Brown. In particular, a good amount of animations, meshes, and timing functions are pretty much stolen from ManimGL. On the other side, a crucial component of our work is incorporating the feel of a video editor. This one is slightly harder to attribute to a single piece of software, but Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, and others of the likes all had some sort of influence.

The Monocurl scripting language is relatively simple, but does take inspiration from C++, Python, and functional programming languages.

Monocurl makes use of a number of open source technologies. In particular, we appreciate the maintainers of ffmpeg, latex (Tex Live), plibsys, libtess2, and nanosvg for their work.

Speical thanks to Jiaming and Sunho for helping with beta testing. The initial release of Monocurl was written by Manu Bhat.